This is the story of Anushka Aggarwal and Kiaan Singh Rathore. Anushka and Kiaan were together during their college days, but due to some misunderstanding, they got separated. And now after three years Anushka was working under Kiaan as an employee and Kiaan felt good seeing Anushka working under him. All this was his plan. He wanted to take revenge from Anushka, that is why after three years he came into his life like a devil with the idea of ruining his life.
Give me pain for my mistake
Dr. Prachi Singhania is a pediatrician doctor. In his doctor profession, when he was making medicine for pain to the patients in the hospital, his own family members would have caused pain to him but he was only giving it to them, she was going through the pain and never raised voice against them, the people at home used to give more pain to her.
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